About Us

This website is intended for those engaged in the work of Reawakening of the International Communist Movement, and also for those endeavouring for building up a true Proletarian Party, i.e., real class party of the working class, in India.

The International Socialist Movement in its first offensive forward march has suffered a great defeat: erstwhile Soviet Union, China, and a number of other countries, the so-called Socialist Countries, which were actually never socialist but were in different stages in the phase of Transition towards Socialism, returned to capitalism. The old parties, be they in those countries or in others, degenerated to become allies of the bourgeoisie and imperialism, as was the case of the CPI, CPI(M) etc in India. Though the advanced elements could smell many things were rotten in those ‘kingdoms of so-called socialism' decades ago, all these things became apparent to everybody with a big bang after the collapse of the Soviet Union. An ideological vacuum, a helplessness spread and the international bourgeoisie joyously yelped ‘end of history'. Confusions, questions, disbeliefs, etc regarding Socialism proliferated. It became the duty of the conscious advanced elements of the working class to find out the reasons of this great defeat and to take proper lessons from them, and thus to strengthen their arsenal of revolutionary theory. But interestingly, after a short break, the working class is again showing signs of restlessness. New struggles, new organisations of struggling, rebel workers are coming up, throwing up new, potential advanced fighters of the class. The fierce assaults of Globalisation are pushing all toiling people towards struggle. Most of such fights are still in the arena of Trade Union struggles, or in other words, practical economic struggles. What are the positive sides, possibilities in these new struggles? What are the constraints? How to work among them and to what end? How to break apart from old practices, prejudices, style of functioning, etc? What is meant by a decisive break from the revisionism, reformism? How to help these struggles and new leaders develop towards the revolutionary socialism? How to analyse the rural toilers' struggles and act in the rural arena so as to win over the rural toilers under working class leadership? ... ... ... Such are among many other extremely important aspects to be pondered by the revolutionary proletariat. And we shall try to place here answers to these questions from proletarian class perspective. The questions of · nature of imperialism today, and the ‘anti- imperialist' struggles; the militant Islamic ‘jihad', how the working class should analyse and act in these matters · rise of fascism of different colours in some countries, and how to combat it, · the agrarian question in India and the strategy and tactics of struggle in this arena, · the question of the role of the Indian ruling classes in dominating this South Asian sub-continent · the national question in countries like India and the caste question, · the ‘Gender' question, the question of ‘Ecology', etc in socialist perspective, and so on are also to be confronted with revolutionary proletarian actions; hence formulation of correct proletarian line in these regards are also necessary. We shall present here our theoretical works on these issues, naturally, from the independent and separate class line of the proletariat; and we shall appreciate discussions and debates, on them. We with our very limited and small resources will try to participate in the international / national fora for a collective effort towards solving the problems posed by history.